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Delhi Sultanate

here were Muslim invasions to India led to the established from AD 1206 to 1526. You will find five dynasties from the Delhi Sultanate, The Slave dynasty, Khalji, Tuglaq, Sayyids and Lodis.

Delhi Sultanate: Slave dynasty(1206AD-1290AD)

The Slave dynasty was also called Mamluk dynasty. They were turkish in source. Qutub-ud-din-Aibak established the servant dynasty. He was a servant of Mohammad Ghori. Other significant rulers of the dynasty were:


Qutub-ud-din-Aibak assembled 2 mosques,’Quwat-ul-Islam’ in Delhi and’Adhai din ka Johpra’ in Ajmer. He also commsioned the Building of Qutub Minar in honor of Sufi saint Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar.

Iltutmish was a servant of Aibak. Iltutmish is credited for shifting the capital of the empire to Delhi from Lahore. She had been the first and only Muslim woman who ever ruled India. Back in 1240 AD, Razia was defeated and killed. Iltutmish rescued India from Mongol anger of Chengiz Khan.Iltutmish finished the construction of Qutb Minar in Delhi.

He created a powerful centralised army to handle internal disturbances. Balban introduced rigorous court discipline. He introduced the Persian festival of Nauroz. He established a separate military division called diwan-i-arz.

Delhi Sultanate: Khilji dynasty(1290AD-1320AD)

The Khilji dynasty was set of Jalauddin Khilji.

Alauddin Khilji (1296AD-1316 AD)

He killed his father-in-law to usurp the throne. He was the very first Turkish Sultan of Delhi who split faith from the State. His greatest achievement was conquest of Deccan. He established four individual markets in Delhi. There were separate department called Diwani Riyasat was made under an officer called Naib-i-Riyasat. He arranged the measurement of land. There were key agents called munhiyans. He captured Chittor in Rajasthan. He constructed Alai Darwaza and assembled a new capital at Siri.

Delhi Sultanate: Tugalaq dynasty(1320AD-1414AD)

Ghiyassudin Tuglaq was the founder of Tugalaq dynasty. He murdered Khusrau Khan, the last king of Khilji dynasty.

Muhammad bin Tuglaq(1325AD-1351AD)

He is regarded as ahead of the time. He had relations with China, Egypt, Iran. However he wasn’t able to avoid forging of those coins and the experiment needed to be abandoned. He’d been the only Delhi Sultan who had obtained a extensive literary, spiritual and philosophical instruction. Mohhamad-bin-Tuglaq switch the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad. But then again shifted the funds back to Delhi following two decades. He introduced copper established investment cash, for the very first time in India.He began the plan of providing loans to farmers for farming known as takkavi loans.

Firoz Shah Tuglaq(1351AD-1388 AD)

Under his reign, Jaziya became a distinct tax and was rigorously enforced on non-muslims. He built Firozabad near Red Fort, popularly Called Firoz Shah Kota. He created a new division known as Diwan-ikhairat to take care of widows and orphans.

Delhi Sultanate: Lodis(1451AD-1526AD)

Sikandar Lodhi was the biggest of the three Lodi sovereigns. He defeated Bihar, while also defeating many Rajput chiefs. He was a good administrator. Lodhi switch the capital from Delhi to Agra. Lodhi was a bigot who ruined many hindu temples. Ibrahim Lodi triumphed Sikandar Lodi. He had been conquered with the Afghan Mughal Babur at the 1st Battle of Panipat in 1526.


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