Saturday, September 7, 2024

GK Notes

science invention

Scientific Inventions and Discoveries

Scientific Inventions and Discoveries In this post, we share about Science inventions and discover. It is Important topic for all Competitive exam. And this topic...
Taliban Captured Kabul

Taliban Captured Kabul (तालिबान ने काबुल पर कब्जा किया)

Taliban Captured Kabul Recently the Taliban captured Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, raising questions about the Afghan forces trained by the US and NATO (North...
list of companies and their founders

list of companies and their founders

list of companies and their founders list of companies and their founders: In this post we share about companies and their founders. It is a...
Libraries in India

Libraries in India

Libraries in India Libraries in India: A library is an assortment of wellsprings of data and comparative assets, made open to a characterized local area...

Tiger Reserves of India & Tiger Reserves in India

Tiger Reserves of India & Tiger Reserves in India   In this post we share about tiger reserves in India. Total 50 tiger reserves in India...
Bhagat Singh Jayanti

Bhagat Singh Jayanti

Bhagat Singh Jayanti Bhagat Singh Jayanti: भगत सिंह जयंती, जिसे शहीद भगत सिंह की जयंती के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, हर साल 28...
Highest Honor Of Major Countries

Highest Honor Of Major Countries

Highest Honor Of Major Countries Highest Honor Of Major Countries: In this post, we are going to tell about the major countries of the world...
Parts Of Indian Constitution

Parts Of Indian Constitution

Parts Of Indian Constitution Parts Of Indian Constitution: The Indian Constitution is divided into 25 Parts. Below we define about 22 parts of Indian Constitution. Indian...
Top 5 Old University In India

Top 5 Old University In India

Top 5 Old University In India Top 5 Old University In India: इस पोस्ट मे हम सबसे पुराने विश्वविधालय के बारे मै बताने जा रहे...
Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest Amazon Rainforest: अमेज़ॅन वर्षावन एक विशाल और विविध उष्णकटिबंधीय वर्षावन है जो दक्षिण अमेरिका में स्थित है, मुख्य रूप से ब्राजील में, लेकिन...