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India and the World Geography

India and World Geography question and answer in India
India and World Geography question

India and the World Geography

In this post, we share about India and World Geography. It is most Important topic for competitive exam. India and World Geography is the useful topic of  all Competitive exam.

 Geography of India and world Geography , Many Exam asking question in this topic like : UPSC, Banking exam , Railway , SSC and many more exam. 

India And World Geography In Hindi

प्रश्न 1. केरल की मौन घाटी?
उत्तर : पादपों तथा प्राणियों की दुर्लभ जातियाँ है

प्रश्न 2. विश्व में अधिकतम संभाव्य जल-शक्ति वाले कतिपय नदी बेसिन है?
उत्तर : कांगो, कोलम्बिया,यांग्टसी

प्रश्न 3. किस देश में खेती की जा रही भूमि का प्रतिशत सबसे अधिक है?
उत्तर : यू.एस.ए.

प्रश्न 4. विश्व में कोयला का सबसे बड़ा उत्पादक देश है?
उत्तर :  चीन

प्रश्न 5. वाल्तोरा हिमनद स्थित है?
उत्तर : शिवालिक में

प्रश्न 6. कौन एक देश महत्वपूर्ण युरेनियम अयस्क निक्षेप के लिए जाना जाता है?
उत्तर : कनाडा

प्रश्न 7. संसार में माइका का सबसे बड़ा उत्पादक है?
उत्तर : भारत

प्रश्न 8. विश्व कोयला भंडार का प्राय 50% किसके पास है
उत्तर : स.रा.अ..रूस और चीन

प्रश्न 9. भूतापीय उर्जा का अधिकतम उपयोग कहाँ होता है?
उत्तर :  वेनेजुएला

प्रश्न 10. जापान में होन्‍शु नामक द्वीप किसके लिए प्रसिद्ध है?
उत्तर : लौह अयस्क

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Ancient History Question In Hindi

Ancient History question
Ancient History question in hindi

Ancient History Question In Hindi

In this post, We share about Ancient history questions. Many Competitive exams asking Questions related to this topic. It is the most important topic. ancient history questions in UPSC prelims asking in a competitive exam.

Ancient history questions UPSC in Hindi. So, who’s a student preparing for a competitive exam read this post. In this post, you will get an ancient history question bank for UPSC.
Ancient History Questions

प्रश्न 1. वैदिक संहिताओं में से भारतीय संगीत का उद्गम किसमें से खोजा जा सकता है?
उत्तर : सामवेद

प्रश्न 2. बगदाद निवासी अल-मसूदी किसके शासनकाल में भारत आया था?
उत्तर : महीपाल

प्रश्न 3. आर्यन जनजातियोंकी प्राचीनतम बस्ती कहाँ है?
उत्तर : सप्त सिंधु

प्रश्न 4. महर्षि गौतम का संबंध किस भारतीय दर्शन से है?
उत्तर : न्याय

प्रश्न 5. सिधु अर्थव्यवस्था की ताकत थी ?
उत्तर : कृषि

प्रश्न 6. कौन एक बौद्ध ग्रन्थ सोलह महाजनपदों का उल्लेख करता है |
उत्तर : अंगुत्तर निकाय

प्रश्न 7. किस देश ने भारत से मोहनजोदड़ो से प्रसिद्ध “नर्तक कन्या’ की प्रतिमा वापस देने के लिए कहा है ?
उत्तर : पाकिस्तान

प्रश्न 8. अशोक के किस अभिलेख में बौधग्रंथो का उल्लेख किया गया है?
उत्तर : भाब्रू

प्रश्न 9. “त्रेपिटक “ धर्म ग्रन्थ है ?
उत्तर : बौद्धों का

प्रश्न 10. सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता में, कालीबंगा किसके लिए प्रसिद्ध है?
Ans : मिट्टी के पात्र

Chairman Of Railway Board

chairman of railway board
chairman of railway board

Chairman Of Railway Board

In this post, We share about Chairman of railway board . It is a most Important topic for Competitive exam. Who’s student preparing for competitive exam read this Post. Many Exam asking question Related this topic like: Railway, Banking, UPSC, SSC.

Chairman  Railway Board (1951-Present)
S.No. Name From To
1. FC Badhwar 01.04.1951 30.09.1954
2. G Pande 01.10.1954 31.12.1956
3. PC Mukherjee 01.01.1957 25.06.1959
4. KB Mathur 30.06.1959 18.04.1960
5. Karnail Singh 18.04.1960 16.08.1962
6. DC Baijal 16.08.1962 07.08.1965
7. Kripal Singh 07.08.1965 21.01.1967
8. GD Khandelwal 21.01.1967 06.01.1970
9. BC Ganguli 07.01.1970 12.10.1971
10. BSD Baliga 13.10.1971 12.10.1973
11. MN Bery 12.10.1973 30.04.1976
12. GP Warrier 01.05.1975 31.08.1977
13. KS Rajan 01.09.1977 03.06.1979
14. M Menezes 04.06.1979 16.11.1980
15. MS Gujral 17.11.1980 06.02.1983
16. KTV Raghvan 05.04.1983 31.01.1985
17. JP Gupta 01.02.1985 30.06.1985
18. Prakash Narain 01.07.1985 31.06.1987
19. RK Jain 01.07.1987 31.07.1989
20. MN Prasad 01.08.1989 31.07.1990
21. RD Kitson 01.08.1990 31.03.1992
22. YP Anand 01.04.1992 31.12.1992
23. AN Shukla 01.01.1993 31.03.1994
24. MK Rao 31.03.1994 30.06.1994
25. Ashok Bhatnagar 01.07.1994 31.05.1995
26. GK Khare 01.06.1995 30.06.1996
27. CL Kaw 01.07.1996 30.04.1997
28. M Ravindra 30.04.1997 31.12.1997
29. VK Agrawal 31.12.1997 31.08.2000
30. Ashok Kumar 01.09.2000 31.08.2001
31. RN Malhotra 31.08.2001 31.03.2002
32. IIMS Rana 01.04.2002 30.06.2003
33. RK Singh 30.06.2003 31.07.2005
34. JP Batra 01.08.2005 31.07.2007
35. KC Jena 31.08.2007 31.01.2009
36. S S Khurana 02.02.2009 31.05.2010
37. Vivek Sahai 01.06.2010 30.06.2011
38. Vinay Mittal 01.07.2011 30.06.2013
39. Arunendra Kumar 30.06.2013 31.12.2014
40. A.K.Mittal 31.12.2014 23.08.2017
41. Ashwani Lohani 23.08.2017 31.12.2018
42. Vinod Kumar Yadav 31.12.2018 To Date


Tags: railway board chairman list, chairman of railway board 2020, railway board chairman 2019, railway board chairman name 2020.

List of Computer File Extension

Computer File Extension
List of Computer File Extension

List of Computer File Extension

In this post, we share about computer file extension. It is a Basic Knowledge of computer and also a topic of General Knowledge. This Topic is Important of  It Student.

Audio File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .aif AIF/Audio Interchange audio file
2. .cda CD audio track file
3. .iff Interchange File Format
4. .mid or .midi MIDI audio file.
5. .mp3 MP3 audio file
6. .mpa MPEG-2 audio file
7. .wav WAVE file
8. .wma Windows Media audio file
9. .wpl Windows Media Player playlist
Video File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .avi Audio Video Interleave File
2. .flv Adobe Flash Video File
3. .h264 H.264 video File
4. .m4v Apple MP4 video File
5. .mkv Matroska Multimedia Container
6. .mov Apple QuickTime movie File
7. .mp4 MPEG-4 Video File
8. .mpg or .mpeg MPEG video File
9. .rm Real Media File
10. .swf Shockwave flash File
11. .vob DVD Video Object File
12. .wmv Windows Media Video File
13. .3g2 3GPP2 Multimedia File
14. .3gp 3GPP multimedia File
Text File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .doc and .docx Microsoft Word file
2. .odt OpenOffice Writer document file
3. .msg Outlook Mail Message
4. .pdf PDF file
5. .rtf Rich Text Format File
6. .tex A LaTeX document file
7. .txt Plain text file
8. .wks and .wps Microsoft Works Word Processor Document file
9. .wpd WordPerfect document
Spreadsheet File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .ods OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet file
2. .xlr Microsoft Works spreadsheet file
3. .xls Microsoft Excel file
4. .xlsx Microsoft Excel Open XML spreadsheet file
Presentation File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .key Keynote presentation
2. .odp OpenOffice Impress presentation file
3. .pps PowerPoint slide show
4. .ppt PowerPoint presentation
5. .pptx PowerPoint Open XML presentation
Database File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .accdb Access 2007 Database File
2. .csv Comma separated value file
3. .dat Data file
4. .db or .dbf Database file
5. .log Log file
6. .mdb Microsoft Access database file
7. .pdb Program Database
8. .sav Save file (e.g. game save file)
9. .sql SQL/Structured Query Language database file
10. .tar Linux / Unix tarball file archive
System Related File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .bak Backup file
2. .cab Windows Cabinet file
3. .cfg Configuration file
4. .cpl Windows Control panel file
5. .cur Windows cursor file
6. .dll DLL file
7. .dmp Dump file
8. .drv Device driver file
9. .icns macOS X icon resource file
10. .ico Icon file
11. .ini Initialization file
12. .lnk Windows shortcut file
13. .msi Windows installer package
14. .sys Windows system file
15. .tmp Temporary file
Image File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .ai Adobe Illustrator file
2. .bmp Bitmap image File
3. .gif GIF/Graphical Interchange Format image
4. .ico Icon file
5. .jpeg or .jpg JPEG image
6. .max 3ds Max Scene File
7. .obj Wavefront 3D Object File
8. .png PNG / Portable Network Graphic image
9. .ps PostScript file
10. .psd PSD / Adobe Photoshop Document image
11. .svg Scalable Vector Graphics file
12. .tif or .tiff TIFF image
13. .3ds 3D Studio Scene
14 .3dm Rhino 3D Model
Web File Extensions
S.No. File Extension File Extension Meaning
1. .asp and .aspx Active Server Page file
2. .cer Internet security certificate
3. .cfm ColdFusion Markup file
4. .cgi or .pl Perl script file
5. .css Cascading Style Sheet file
6. .htm and .html HTML/Hypertext Markup Language file
7. .js JavaScript file
8. .jsp Java Server Page file
9. .part Partially downloaded file
10. .php PHP Source Code file
11. .rss RSS/Rich Site Summary file
12. .xhtml XHTML / Extensible Hypertext Markup Language file


Tags: file extension name, important file extensions in computer, longest file extension, file extension lookup, types of files in computer, the extension of two audio files, document file types, docs file extension.


List of Countries by Population

population by country
list of population by country

List of Countries by Population

In this post, We share about population by countries . It is a most Important topic for general Knowledge . So, all student Who’s preparing competitive exam read this post because many exam asking question related this topic.

1. China 1,427,647,786 1,433,783,686
2. India 1,352,642,280 1,366,417,754
3. United States 327,096,265 329,064,917
4. Indonesia 267,670,543 270,625,568
5. Pakisthan 212,228,286 216,565,318
6. Brazil 209,469,323 211,049,527
7. Nigeria 195,874,683 200,963,599
8. Bangladesh 161,376,708 163,046,161
9. Russia 145,734,038 145,872,256
10. Mexico 126,190,788 127,575,529
11. Japan 127,202,192 126,860,301
12. Ethiopia 109,224,414 112,078,730
13. Philippines 106,651,394 108,116,615
14. Egypt 98,423,598 100,388,073
15. Vietnam 95,545,962 96,462,106
16. Dr Congo 84,068,091 86,790,567
17. Germany 83,124,418 83,517,045
18. Turkey 82,340,088 83,429,615
19. Iran 81,800,188 82,913,906
20. Thailand 68,863,514 69,037,513
21. United Kingdom 67,141,684 67,530,172
22. France 64,990,511 65,129,728
23. Italy 60,627,291 60,550,075
24. South Africa 57,792,518 58,558,270
25. Tanzania 56,313,438 58,005,463
26. Myanmar 53,708,320 54,045,420
27. Kenya 51,392,565 52,573,973
28. South Korea 51,171,706 51,225,308
29. Colombia 49,661,048 50,339,443
30. Spain 46,692,858 46,736,776
31. Argentina 44,361,150 44,780,677
32. Uganda 42,729,036 44,269,594
33. Ukraine 44,246,156 43,993,638
34. Algeria 42,228,408 43,053,054
35. Sudan 41,801,533 42,813,238
36. Iraq 38,433,600 39,309,783
37. Afghanistan 37,171,921 38,041,754
38. Poland 37,921,592 37,887,768
39. Canada 37,074,562 37,411,047
40. Morocco 36,029,093 36,471,769
41. Saudi Arabia 33,702,756 34,268,528
42. Uzbekistan 32,476,244 32,981,716
43. Peru 31,989,260 32,510,453
44. Malaysia 31,528,033 31,949,777
45. Angola 30,809,787 31,825,295
46. Mozambique 29,496,004 30,366,036
47. Yemen 28,498,683 29,161,922
48. Ghana 28,206,728 28,833,629
49. Nepal 28,095,714 28,608,710
51. Madagascar 26,262,313 26,969,307
52. North Korea 25,549,604 25,666,161
53. Ivory Coast 25,069,230 25,716,544
54. Cameroon 25,216,267 25,876,380
55. Australia 24,898,152 25,203,198
56. Taiwan 23,726,460 23,773,876
57. Niger 22,442,822 23,310,715
58. Sri Lanka 21,228,763 21,323,733
59. Burkina Faso 19,751,466 20,321,378
60. Mali 19,077,749 19,658,031
61. Romania 19,506,114 19,364,557
62. Malawi 18,143,217 18,628,747
63. Chile 18,729,160 18,952,038
64. Kazakhstan 18,319,618 18,551,427
65. Zambia 17,351,708 17,861,030
66. Guatemala 17,247,849 17,581,472
67. Ecuador 17,084,358 17,373,662
68. Netherlands 17,059,560 17,097,130
69. Syria 16,945,057 17,070,135
70. Cambodia 16,249,792 16,486,542
71. Senegal 15,854,323 16,296,364
72. Chad 15,477,729 15,946,876
73. Somalia 15,008,226 15,442,905
74. Zimbabwe 14,438,802 14,645,468
75. Guinea 12,414,293 12,771,246
76. Rwanda 12,301,970 12,626,950
77. Benin 11,485,044 11,801,151
78. Tunisia 11,565,201 11,694,719
79. Belgium 11,482,178 11,539,328
80. Bolivia 11,353,142 11,513,100


Tags: countries by population density, world population by country 2018, least populated countries, what are the 10 countries with the largest population, how many countries in the world, world population 2019, population of india.

languages in India ; Check Daily New Updates

language in India
different language of India

languages in india

In this Post, We share about Different – Different Languages . In India speak many Languages in Different States. This topic is a general  Knowledge topic . The National language of India is Hindi.

S.No. State / Union Territories Languages
1. Jammu and Kashmir Kashmiri
2. Himachal Pradesh Hindi
3. Punjab Punjabi
4. Uttrakhand Hindi
5. Haryana Hindi
6. Delhi Hindi
7. Uttar Pradesh Hindi
8. Rajasthan Hindi
9. Madhya Pradesh Hindi
10. Chhattisgarh Hindi
11. Bihar Hindi
12. Jharkhand Hindi
13. West Bengal Bengali
14. Sikkim Nepali
15. Assam Assamese
16. Arunachal Pradesh Bengali
17. Nagaland Bengali
18. Mizoram Bengali
19. Tripura Bengali
20. Meghalaya Bengali
21. Manipur Manipuri
22. Maharashtra Marathi
23. Odisha Oriya
24. Gujarat Gujarati
25. Dadra and Nagar Haveli Gujarati
26. Daman and Diu Gujarati
27. Goa Konkani
28. Karnataka Kannada
29. Andhra Pradesh Telugu
30. Kerala Malayalam
31. Lakshadweep Island Malayalam
32. Tamil Nadu Tamil
33. Puducherry Tamil
34. Andaman and Nicobar Island Bengali

Tags: total number of languages in india, total languages in india, how many languages in india 2020, how many languages in india 2019, india official languages hindi, what are the 22 languages in india, how many languages in india list pdf, india official languages english.

Largest Countries In The World By Area

Largest Country
Largest Countries in the world

Largest Countries In The World By Area

In this post, We share about Largest Countries In The World By Area . Many exam asking question in this topic . The Largest Country in the World is Russia .

S.No. Country  Area Sq(km2)
1. Russia 17098242
2. Canada 9984670
3. United States 9826675
4. China 9596960
5. Brazil 8514877
6. Australia 7741220
7. India 3287263
8. Argentina 2780400
9. Kazakhstan 2724900
10. Algeria 2381741
11. Congo, Democratic Republic of the 2344858
12. Greenland (Denmark) 2166086
13. Saudi Arabia 2149690
14. Mexico 1964375
15. Indonesia 1904569
16. Sudan 1861484
17. Libya 1759540
18. Iran 1648195
19. Mongolia 1564116
20. Peru 1285216
21. Chad 1284000
22. Niger 1267000
23. Angola 1246700
24. Mali 1240192
25. South Africa 1219090
26. Colombia 1138910
27. Ethiopia 1104300
28. Bolivia 1098581
29. Mauritania 1030700
30. Egypt 1001450
31. Tanzania 947300
32. Nigeria 923768
33. Venezuela 912050
34. Namibia 824292
35. Mozambique 799380
36. Pakistan 796095
37. Turkey 783562
38. Chile 756102
39. Zambia 752618
40. Burma 676578
41. Afghanistan 652230
42. South Sudan 644329
43. France 643801
44. Somalia 637657
45. Central African Republic 622984
46. Ukraine 603550
47. Madagascar 587041
48. Botswana 581730
49. Kenya 580367
50. Yemen 527968


Tags: biggest country in the world by area, world smallest country, largest country in asia, what are the top 100 largest countries, which is the largest country in the world in 2018

Famous Monuments Of The World

famous monuments
famous monuments in world

Famous Monuments Of The World

In this post, We share about Famous Monuments Of  World. This is also a General Knowledge topic. So, who’s student preparing for competitive exam read this post.

S.No. Name of the Monument Country
1. Statue of Liberty New York, USA
2. The Eiffel Tower Paris, France
3. St Basil’s Cathedral Moscow, Russia
4. Blue Domed Church Santorini, Greece
5. The Great Sphinx Giza, Egypt
6. Machu Pichu Peru
7. Big Ben London
8. Mount Fuji Japan
9. Mount Eden Crater New Zealand
10. Al Aqsa Mosque Jerusalem
11. Angkor Wat Cambodia
12. St Peter’s Cathedral Vatican City
13. Mount Rushmore South Dakota
14. Victoria Falls Between Zambia and Zimbabwe
15. The Great Canyon Arizona
16. Petra Rock-cut Architecture Jordan
17. Cape of Good Hope SouthAfrica
18. Chichen Itza Mexico
19. Inukshuk Canada
20. Table Mountain Cape Town, South Africa
21. Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco, California
22. Kilimanjaro Tanzania
23. Forbidden City Beijing
24. Iguazu Falls On the border of Brazil and Argentina
25. The Colosseum Rome, Italy
26. Twyfelfontein–Ancient Rock Engravings Namibia
27. The Blue Mosque Istanbul
28. Millau Bridge France
29. Luxor Temple Egypt
30. Faisal Mosque Islamabad, Pakistan
31. The Empire State Building New York
32. Newgrange Tomb Ireland
33. TilchoLake Nepal
34. Pompeii Italy
35. The Wailing Wall Jerusalem
36. Abu Simbel Egypt
37. Middle of the Earth orThe Ciudad Mitaddel Mundo Ecuador
38. Potala Palace Lhasa, Tibet
39. Burjal Arab Hotel Dubai
40. Tower of Pisa Italy
41. Christ the Redeemer Riode Janeiro, Brazil
42. Lascaux Cave Paintings France
43. Loch Ness Scotland
44. Mont St Michel France
Bran Castle
Transylvania, Romania
46. Agia Sophia Istanbul, Turkey
47. Brandenburg Gate Berlin, Germany
48. Acropolis Athens, Greece
49. Sagrada Familia Barcelona, Spain
50. Uluru Sandstone Australia
51. Angel Falls Venezuela
52. Ephesus Turkey
53. Twelve Apostles Australia
The National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
55. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque Turkey


Tags: famous monuments in world, 10 monuments of world, most beautiful monuments in the world, top 50 monuments of the world, monuments around the world, monuments of the world images, famous landmarks, list of historical monuments, list of landmarks in alphabetical order.

National Highway In India

National highway
National highway in India

National Highway In India

In this post, We share about national highway in india list. The National highways in India are a network of trunk roads that is own by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. It is also a general Knowledge topic.

National Highway Of India list
S.No. National Higway Route Distance
1. NH-1 Jalandhar – Uri 663
2. NH-1A New Delhi-Ambala-Jalandhar-Amritsar 456
3. NH-2 Delhi-Mathura-Agra-Kanpur-Allahabad-Varanasi-Kolkata 1465
4. NH-3 Agra-Gwalior-Nasik-Mumbai 1161
5. NH-4 Thane and Chennai via Pune and Belgaun 1235
6. NH-5 Kolkata – Chennai 1533
7. NH-6 Kolkata – Dhule 1949
8. NH-7 Varanasi – Kanyakumari 2369
9. NH-8 Delhi-Mumbai-(vai Jaipur, Baroda and Ahmedabad) 1428
10. NH-9 Mumbai-Vijaywada 841
11. NH-10 Delhi-Fazilka 403
12. NH-11 Agra- Bikaner 582
13. NH-12 Jabalpur-Jaipur 890
14. NH-13 Sholapur-Mangalore 691
15. NH-15 Pathankot-Samakhiali 1526
16. NH-17 Panvel-Edapally 1269
17. NH-22 Ambala-Shipkitr 459
18. NH-28 Lucknow-Barauni 570
19. NH-31 Barhi-Guwahati 1125
20. NH-37 Panchratna (near Goalpara) – Saiknoaghat 680
21. NH-44 Shillong-Sabroom 630
22. NH-49 Cochin-Dhanshkodi 440
23. NH-52 Baihata-Junction NH-47 (near Saikhoaghat) 850
24. NH-58 Delhi-Mana 538
25. NH-65 Ambala-Pali 690
26. NH-75 Gwalior-Ranchi 955
27. NH-76 Pindwara-Allahabad 1007
28. NH-78 Katni-Gumla 559
29. NH-86 Kanpur-Dewas 674
30. NH-91 Ghaziabad-Kanpur 405
31. NH-150 Aizawl-Kohima 700
32. NH-200 Raipur-Chandikhal 740
33. NH-205 Ananthapur-Chennai 442
34. NH-209 Dindigul-Bengaluru 456
35. NH-211 Solapur-Dhule 400
36. NH-217 Raipur-Gopalpur 508
37. NH-220 Kollam (Quilon)-Teui 265

Tags: longest national highway in india, how many national highway in india, national highway list in india, list of national highways in india 2019, shortest national highway in india, national highway authority of india, national highway map, national highway 1.