GK Question Series Twenty Seven

GK Question Series Twenty Seven
GK Question Series Twenty Seven

GK Question Series Twenty Seven

GK Question Series Twenty Seven: In this, Blog we Define GK Question and answer in daily basis. It is very Important for All Competitive Exam Like: SSC, BANK, LDC, IA, Programmer, Etc. GK Question is Main topic for all exam.

GK Question 

Ques 1. Which type of tissue acts as a protective shield for the body?
Ans. Epithelial tissue

Ques 2. Which produces the highest sound?
Ans. Tiger

Ques 3. Who is the inventor of ‘Typewriter’ (typing machine)?
Ans. Sholes

Ques 4. What is vinegar called in Latin language?
Ans. Acii tam

Ques 5. What is used to remove rust stains from clothes?
Ans. Oxalic acid

Ques 6. What causes ‘red rot disease’ in sugarcane?
Ans. Fungi

Ques 7. What is the botanical name of mango?
Ans. Mangifera indica

Ques 8. From where is ‘chicory powder’ mixed with coffee powder obtained?
Ans. From the roots

Ques 9. Where is the capital of Bangladesh?
Ans. Dhaka

Ques 10. In which country did the rickshaw first run?
Ans. Japan

Ques 11. Where is the Wankhede Stadium located?
Ans. Mumbai

Ques 12. Which is called the jewel of Karnataka?
Ans. Mysore

Ques 13. Which two religions believe that the principles of karma and reincarnation are correct?
Ans. Jainism and Buddhism

Ques 14. Pandit Ganga Bhatt, who coronated Chhatrapati Shivaji, was a resident of which place?
Ans. Banaras

Ques 15. Which Sikh Guru was accused of helping Khusro in the rebellion against Jahangir?
Ans. Guru Arjun Dev

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Tags: general knowledge questions with answers english, general knowledge questions with answers in hindi, 100 general knowledge questions and answers, general knowledge questions with answers pdf, Gk Question for UPSC.


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