GK Questions For All Competitive Exams

GK Questions For All Competitive Exams
GK Questions For All Competitive Exams

GK Questions For All Competitive Exams

GK Questions For All Competitive Exams: In, This post we share about General Knowledge Question. These Questions is Very Important for us. All Exams Asking about General Knowledge Questions.

Important GK Questions With Answer

Ques 1. Which vitamin is not present in milk?
Ans. Vitamin C

Ques 2. Due to deficiency of which vitamin, blood does not clot?
Ans. Vitamin K

Ques 3. What is the chemical name of Vitamin C?
Ans. Ascorbic acid

Ques 4. Which are the fat soluble vitamins?
Ans. A and E

Ques 5. Brass is a mixture of which two metals?
Ans. Copper and Zinc

Ques 6. Which vitamin contains cobalt?
Ans. Vitamin B-12

Ques 7. When is National Science Day celebrated?
Ans. 28 February

Ques 8. In which session the Congress was divided into two parties named Liberals and Extremists?
Ans. In the Surat session of 1907

Ques 9. Who built the Brihadeshwara temple of Tanjore?
Ans. Rajaraja I Chola

Ques 10. Where was the Mughal emperor Akbar born?
Ans. In the fort of Amarkot

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Tags: 100 easy General Knowledge questions and answers, Important general knowledge questions with answers, General knowledge questions with answers, Important general knowledge questions in india, Important general knowledge questions pdf, 100 General knowledge questions and answers, Important general knowledge questions with answers pdf, GK Questions with Answers in English.


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