Current Affairs For UPSC || 24 July 2021

Current Affairs For UPSC
Current Affairs

Current Affairs For UPSC

In this post, we share about Current Affairs For UPSC. It is important for all competitive exams. On our website your read daily updated Current Affairs.

24 July 2021 Current Affairs UPSC

Ques 1. Which space agency has announced that its new spacecraft NEA Scout has successfully completed all the necessary tests?

Ques 2. In which state three monuments have been identified as Adarsh ​​Smarak under the Adarsh ​​Smarak Yojana?
Ans. Andra Pradesh

Ques 3. Which day is celebrated all over India on 23rd July?
Ans. national broadcasting day

Ques 4. After the assassination of President Jovenel Mois, Ariel Henry has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of which country?
Ans. Haiti

Ques 5. Who has been removed from the UNESCO World Heritage List by the World Heritage Committee?
Ans. Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City

Ques 6. In which city has the government announced the establishment of the Indian Institute of Heritage?
Ans. Noida

Ques 7. Who has successfully test-fired “Man-Portable Anti-Tank Guarded Missile”?

Ques 8. Which city has been announcing to host the Olympic Games 2032?
Ans. Brisbane

Ques 9. Who said that the delta variant of Covid-19, first found in India, has spread to 124 countries so far?
Ans. World Health Organization

Ques 10. . DRDO has test-fired its indigenously developed Akash missile “Akash-NG” off the coast of which state?
Ans. Odisha

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