UPSC Chairman of India, UPSC Chairman list

UPSC Chairman
UPSC Chairman in INDIA

UPSC Chairman of India, UPSC Chairman list


In this post, we share about the chairman in India. This is very most important topic for UPSC competitive exam. In upsc and many competitive exams asking question’s in this topic. So, all students who’s preparing Competitive exam read this post very carefully.

UPSC Chairman
S.No. Chairman Name  Time period
1. Sir Ross Barker 1926-1932
2. Sir David Petrie 1932-1936
3. Sir Eyre Gorden 1937-1942
4. Sir F. W. Robertson 1942-1947
5. H. K. Kripalani 1947-1949
6. R. N. Banerjee 1949-1955
7. N. Govindarajan 1955-1955
8. V. S. Hejmadi 1955-1961
9. B. N. Jha 1961-1967
10. K. R. Damle 1967-1971
11. R.C.S. Sarkar 1971-1973
12. A. R. Kidwai 1973-1979
13. M. L. Shahare 1979-1985
14. H. K. L. Capoor 1985-1990
15. J. P. Gupta 1990-1992
16. R. M. Bathew (Kharbuli) 1992-1996
17. S. J. S. Chhatwal 1996
18. J. M. Qureshi 1996-1998
19. Lt. Gen. Surinder Nath 1998-2002
20. P. C. Hota 2002-2003
21. Mata Prasad 2003-2005
22. S. R. Hashim 2005-2006
23. D. P. Agrawal 2008-2014
24. Rajni Razdan 2014
25. Deepak Gupta 2014-2016
26. Alka Sirohi 2016-2017
27. David R. Syiemlieh 2017-2018
28. Vinay Mittal 2018
29. Arvind Saxena 2018-Till now

Tags: upsc chairman, upsc chairman present, upsc chairman 2019, upsc chairman list


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