Seasons In India

Seasons In India
Seasons In India

Seasons In India

Seasons In India: There are many types of seasons in India mainly according to different cultures. Six types of seasons are found in India. There are different temperatures in all seasons. Different joy and enthusiasm is seen among people in every season.

Types Of Seasons

  • Spring Season (वसंत ऋतु)
  • Summer Season (ग्रीष्म ऋतु)
  • Rainy Season (वर्षा ऋतु)
  • Autumn Season (शरद ऋतु)
  • Pre-Winter Season (हेमंत ऋतु)
  • Winter Season (शीत ऋतु)

1. Spring Season (वसंत ऋतु): Spring season is very pleasant. It is also called Rituraj. This season comes after the winter season. Spring season in India comes in the months of February and March. New leaves appear on the trees, beautiful yellow flowers bloom in the mustard fields. The cooing sound of the cuckoo sounds very lovely.

2. Summer Season (ग्रीष्म ऋतु): In India, the summer season lasts from Jyestha to Ashadh months. And according to the English calendar, this season lasts from mid-April to mid-June.

3. Rainy Season (वर्षा ऋतु): The rainy season in India arrives in the month of July and rains continue till the month of August and September. This season proves to be a boon for the farmers. Farmers sow Kharif crops in this season. Trees and plants become green during the rainy season. Rain water infuses life into them. Forests, gardens and parks gain new glow and new youth.


4. Autumn Season (शरद ऋतु): The heat of the weather reduces slightly in autumn. It is called autumn in English. Festivals like Shardiya Navratri, Vijayadashami are celebrated in autumn only. According to Hindu months, Ashwin and Kartik months come in autumn.

5. Pre-Winter Season (हेमंत ऋतु): According to the Hindu calendar, Hemant season lasts from Kartik month to Pausha month. And according to the English calendar, its time lasts from the middle of October to the middle of December.

6. Winter Season (शीत ऋतु): Winter season is called winter season. The winter season lasts from November to February. In winter season, days are short and nights are long and it gets dark very early in the evening. There is fog in the morning and evening and it is very cold. Christmas and New Year festivals come only in the winter season. In this season people start wearing woolen clothes because woolen clothes are warm.

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Tags: autumn season in India, spring season in India, rainy season in India, summer season in India, winter season in India.


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