Population Of Rajasthan 2011

Population Of Rajasthan 2011
Population Of Rajasthan 2011

Population Of Rajasthan 2011

Population Of Rajasthan 2011: According to 2011 census details, the population of Rajasthan is 6.85 crores.

Total population of Rajasthan – 6,85,48,437

Urban population – 17,048,085(24.9%)

Rural population-51,500,352(75.1%)

Most populous districts-

★Jaipur 66.26 lakh
★Jodhpur 36.87 lakh
★Alwar 36.74 lakh
★Nagaur 33.07 lakh
★Udaipur 30.68 lakh

5 districts with minimum population

★Jaisalmer 6.69 lakh
★Pratapgarh 8.67 lakh
★Sirohi 10.36 lakh
★Bundi 11.10 lakh
★Rajsamand 11.56 lakh

The largest district in terms of population –
★Jaipur (6,626,178)

Smallest district in terms of population
★Jaisalmer (669,919)

District with highest urban population
★Jaipur (34,71,847)

District with minimum urban population
★Pratapgarh (71,807)

District with highest rural population
★Jaipur (31,54,331)

District with minimum rural population
★Jaisalmer (5,80,894)

The district in which the highest percentage of total population lives in rural areas –
★ Dungarpur (93.6 percent)

The district in which the highest percentage of total population lives in urban areas –
★Kota (60.3 percent)

Population growth in the decade (2001-2011)
Absolute growth –
★12,041,249 (21.3 percent)

Districts with highest decadal growth-

★Barmer 32.5 percent
★Jaisalmer 31.8 percent
★Jodhpur 27.7 percent
★Banswara 26.5 percent

Districts with minimum decadal growth

★Ganganagar 10.0 percent
★Jhunjhunu 11.7 percent
★Poly 11.9 percent
★Bundi 15.4 percent

District with highest population growth during 2001-2011 –

★Barmer (32.5 percent)

District with minimum population growth during 2001-2011 –

★Ganganagar (10.00 percent)

Population Density –

★200 people per square kilometer.

District with highest population density –
★Jaipur (595 people per square km.)
District with lowest population density
★Jaisalmer (17 people per square kilometer)

5 districts with highest population density
★Jaipur 595
★Bharatpur 503
★Dausa 476
★Alwar 438
★ Dholpur 398

5 districts with minimum population density
★Jaisalmer 17
★Bikaner 78
★Barmer 92
★Churu 147
★Jodhpur 161

Sex ratio (number of females per thousand males) – 928

Urban Sex Ratio – 914
Rural sex ratio – 933
District with highest sex ratio –
★Dungarpur (994 females/1000 males)

District with lowest sex ratio –
★Dholpur(846 female/1000 male)

Population Of Rajasthan

Districts with highest sex ratio
★Dungarpur 994
★Rajsamand 990
★poly 987

Districts with minimum sex ratio
★Dholpur 846
★Jaisalmer 852
★Karauli 861

District with highest sex ratio (in rural areas)
★Pali (1003 female/1000 male)

District with lowest sex ratio (in rural areas)
★Dholpur (841 females/1000 males)

District with highest sex ratio (in urban area)
★Tonk (985 female/1000 male)

District with lowest sex ratio (in urban area)
★Jaisalmer (807 females/1000 males)

Population of age group 0-6
★10,649,504 (total population 15.5 percent)

District with highest population in 0-6 age group
★Jaipur (9,29,926)

District with lowest population in 0-6 age group
★Jaisalmer (1,30,463)

0-6 sex ratio -888
★Urban sex ratio -874
★Rural sex ratio -892

District with highest sex ratio in age group 0-6
★Banswara (934 girls/1000 boys)

District with lowest sex ratio in 0-6 age group
★Jhunjhunu (837 girls/1000 boys)

2 districts with highest sex ratio in age group 0-6
★Banswara 934
★Pratapgarh 933

2 districts with lowest sex ratio in 0-6 age group
★Jhunjhunu 837
★Sikar 848


Total population of Scheduled Castes –
★12,221,593 (17.8 percent of total population)

Total population of Scheduled Tribes –
★9238,534 (13.5 percent of total population)

The district where the maximum population of Scheduled Castes resides–
★Jaipur (10,03,302)

The district where the Scheduled Caste population resides is the least –
★Dungarpur (52,267)

The district where the decadal increase in Scheduled Caste population (2001-2011) was highest –
★Barmer (41.2 percent)

The district where the least population of Scheduled Tribes resides –
★ Bikaner (7,779)

The district where the decadal increase (2001-2011) in the population of Scheduled Tribes was the highest.
★Nagaur (60.4 percent)

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Tags: district wise population of rajasthan census 2011, population of rajasthan district wise 2011, population of rajasthan village wise 2011, in 2011 the percentage of rural population in rajasthan, in 2011 the percentage of rural population in rajasthan was, population density of rajasthan 2011, population of rajasthan 2011 in hindi, population of rajasthan according to 2011 census.


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