Parts Of Indian Constitution

Parts Of Indian Constitution
Parts Of Indian Constitution

Parts Of Indian Constitution

Parts Of Indian Constitution: The Indian Constitution is divided into 25 Parts. Below we define about 22 parts of Indian Constitution.

Indian Constitution Parts

S.No. Parts Indian Constitution
1. Part-1 Union and their territories
2. Part-2 Citizenship
3. Part-3 Fundamental rights
4. Part-4 Directive Principles of State Policy
5. Part-4 (a) Fundamental Duties
6. Part-5 Union
7. Part-6 State
8. Part-7 The state impact B of first schedule
9. Part-8 Union Territory
10. Part-9 The panchayats
11. Part-9 (a) Municipalities
12. Part-9 (b) Co-operative societies
13. Part-10 Scheduled Caste, Tribal Area
14. Part-11 Relations between the Union and the States
15. Part-12 Finance, Property, Contracts and Laws
16. Part-13 Trade, commerce and intercourse within the territory of India
17. Part-14 Services under the Union and States
18. Part-14 (a) Tribunal
19. Part-15 Election
20. Part-16 Special provisions in respect of certain classes
21. Part-17 State language
22. Part-18 Emergency provisions
23. Part-19 Miscellaneous
24. Part-20 Amendment of the constitution
25. Part-21 Temporary, transitional and special provisions
26. Part-22 Short title, commencement, authorized text in Hindi and repeal

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