indian economy MCQ

indian economy MCQ
indian economy MCQ

Indian Economy

Indian Economy MCQ: In this post, we share Indian Economy questions. Economy Question And Answers is very important for all competitive exams. All candidates must be read this post and Learn India Economy GK.

Economics General Knowledge

Ques 1. What was the vision document prepared by the Planning Commission with the aim of making India a developed nation by 2020?
Ans. India Vision-2020

Ques 2. Under which crop comes the maximum agricultural land in India?
Ans. Rice

Ques 3. Which is the biggest nationalized enterprise of India at present?
Ans. Indian Railways

Ques 4. Who is the ex-officio chairman of the National Development Council?
Ans. Prime Minister

Ques 5. In which state maximum Scheduled Tribes live?
Ans. In Madhya Pradesh

Ques 6. Which step is helpful in rectifying the situation in case of opposite balance of payments?
Ans. Devaluation

Ques 7. In the history of five-year plans, which plan is considered to be India’s most unsuccessful plan?
Ans. Third Plan

Ques 8. Under the tenth five-year plan, the target of what percent annual growth rate was set?
Ans. 8%

Ques 9. Disguised unemployment is generally seen in which sector in India?
Ans. In agriculture sector

Ques 10. Which sector has been given maximum priority in the first five year plan?
Ans. Agriculture sector

Indian Economy MCQ

Ques 11. What was the main objective of ‘Antodaya’ programme?
Ans. Helping the poorest of the poor

Ques 12. With what are the words ‘Bull’ and ‘Beer’ related?
Ans. From the stock market

Ques 13. In the second five-year plan, the development of which sector was given maximum emphasis?
Ans. Industry sector

Ques 14. What is the relationship between the value of money and the price level in the economy?
Ans. Inverse

Ques 15. Which sector contributes the most to the national income of India?
Ans. Manufacturing sector

Ques 16. What is the position of India in the production of eggs in the world?
Ans. Third

Ques 17. Which index has been considered as the basis for the assessment of poverty in rural areas?
Ans. Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Laborers

Ques 18. What is the basis of determining the dearness allowance of the employees in India?
Ans. Consumer Price Index

Ques 19. What is meant by budget deficit?
Ans. Difference between total receipts and total expenditure

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Tags: Indian economy questions pdf, Indian economy questions for competitive exams, indian economy questions and answers pdf, Indian economy questions and answers, multiple choice questions on indian economy, indian economy questions and answers for competitive exams, indian economy questions and answers class 12, general economics questions and answers pdf


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