Chemistry Questions

Chemistry Questions
Chemistry Questions

Chemistry Questions

Chemistry Questions: In this Post, we have compiled a list of the Top Chemistry Questions and Answers in this blog. Students can prepare for the all examination by practicing these all Questions. 

Chemistry Practical Questions And Answers

Ques 1. Atomic element no. 29 is related to?
Ans. d-block

Ques 2. Which of the following is the maximum number of electrons that can be present in an M-shell?
Ans. 18

Ques 3. Burning of a candle (combustion) is ………?
Ans. Exothermic reaction

Ques 4. Nucleons are considered to be a mixture of which sub-particles?
Ans. Quark

Ques 5. “The four quantum numbers of any two electrons in an atom are not identical” is it?
Ans. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle

Ques 6. The fundamental particles found in the nucleus of an atom are?
Ans. Neutron, Electron

Ques 7. The atomic number of carbon is 6, atomic weight is 12. How many protons are there in the nucleus of carbon?
Ans. 6

Ques 8. The atomic number of an atom of an element is 17 and mass number is 36. The number of neutrons in its nucleus is?
Ans. 19

Ques 9. Which nuclear particle has no mass and no charge, but has spin?
Ans. Neutrino

Ques 10. Who discovered element 106?
Ans. Seaborg

Ques 11. Who propounded the ‘atomic theory’ of matter?
Ans. Dalton

Ques 12. The electronic configuration of an atom with atomic number ‘20’ is?
Ans. 2, 8, 8, 2

Ques 13. A mature stem cell without nucleus is?
Ans. Red cell

Ques 14. The layout of molecular orbit is controlled by?
Ans. Magnetic quantum number

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