Basic Computer Questions And Answers Pdf

Basic Computer Questions And Answers Pdf
Basic Computer Questions And Answers Pdf

Basic Computer Questions And Answers Pdf

Basic Computer Questions And Answers Pdf: In this article we define about basic computer Question for competitive exam, interviews, entrance exam. Competitive exam like: SSC, Bank, Police, IA, Computer Teacher etc.

Basic Computer Questions And Answers

Ques 1. Who is considered to be the world’s first computer network?

Ques 2. In what form is the operating system called Unix used?
Ans. In web servers

Ques 3. What is the extension of excel spreadsheet?
Ans. Xls

Ques 4. E.D.P. What ?
Ans. Electronic data processing

Ques 5. What are the words that are set aside by the programming language for its own use called?
Ans. Reserved words

Ques 6. What is a group of records related to each other called?
Ans. Database

Ques 7. RAM is volatile memory, why is it needed?
Ans. It needs continuous power supply to retain the data

Ques 8. By which printer one character is printed in one stroke?
Ans. Dot matrix printer

Ques 9. If your computer keeps rebooting itself, what is likely to happen?
Ans. There is a possibility of virus in it

Ques 10. Which institute has developed the ‘Param’ supercomputer developed in India?
Ans. C-DAC

Ques 11. What is the name of the first visible computer virus in India?
Ans. C- brain

Ques 12. The circuit board that contains the CPU and other chips is called?
Ans. Motherboard

Ques 13. What is junk e-mail called?
Ans. Spam

Ques 14. What is junk e-mail called?
Ans. Spam

Ques 15. By which printer the character is printed stroke by stroke?
Ans. Dot matrix printer

Ques 16. A.L.U. What is the full name of
Ans – Arithmetic Logic Unit

Ques 17. What is Google?
Ans – Search engine

Ques 18. The language which is understood by the computer without any translation program is called which language?
Ans – Machine language

Ques 19. What is called point and draw device?
Ans – To the mouse

Ques 20. Linux is an example of?
Ans – Of open source software

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