Current Affairs India || 05 Aug 2021

Current Affairs India
Current Affairs

Current Affairs India

Current Affairs India: In this post, we share the Current Affairs of India. It is the Main Part of all exams Like UPSC, SSC, BANK, Patwari, IAS, RPSC, Etc.

Current Affairs 05 Aug 2021

Ques 1. Who has passing the General Insurance Business Nationalisation Amendment Bill?
Ans. Lok Sabha

Ques 2. Where are the hotlines has established between India and China?
Ans. Sikkim

Ques 3. . Which city of India has become the first city in the country to achieve 100% vaccination against Covid-19?
Ans. Bhubaneswar

Ques 4. The Ministry of Civil Aviation has given permits to the Directorate of Urban Local Bodies of which state to use drones?
Ans. Haryana

Ques 5. RMI India and which commission has to release a report on the power dispensation sector?
Ans. policy commission

Ques 6. The report released by whom, there has been an increase of 24% in the cases of suicide due to unemployment?
Ans. National Crime Records Bureau

Ques 7. Which power station is creating the record of generating the most electricity in a month?
Ans. Naptha Jhakri Hydro Power Station

Ques 8. Which periodic labor force survey has been publishing by the National Statistical Office?
Ans. 8th

Ques 9. According to the report, which is the richest family in the world of Ambani family?
Ans. fifth

Ques 10. How many billion dollars has been providing by the IMF to help poor countries deal with covid?
Ans. $650 billion


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Tags: current affairs gk, gk with current affairs, current affairs 2020 pdf, current affairs for UPSC, current affairs UPSC


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