02 December 2021 Current Affairs

02 December 2021 Current Affairs
Current Affairs

Current Affairs

02 December 2021 Current Affairs: In this post, we share daily updated Current Affairs. This topic is the most important part of all competitive exams. All these posts are very most important for all the candidates who are preparing for the competitive exam.

Current Affairs 02 December 2021 

Ques 1. TRIFED has organized the Tribes India Conclave in collaboration with which ministry?
Ans. foreign Ministry

Ques 2. Which state has announced to do the “Street Project” at selected places in seven districts out of tourist places?
Ans. Kerala

Ques 3. Senior bureaucrat Vivek Jehri has been appointed as the chairman of which board?
Ans. Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs

Ques 4. Which edition of the India Young Water Professionals programme has launched through a virtual medium?
Ans. First

Ques 5. Which state’s police has officially launched the “Call Your Cope” mobile app for the citizens?
Ans. Nagaland

Ques 6. A medical technology start-up based in which state has won the “Startup India Grand Challenge 2021” in the medical device category?
Ans. Kerala

Ques 7. Which day is celebrated all over the world on 1st December?
Ans. world AIDS Day

Ques 8. Whose foundation day is celebrated all over India on 1st December?
Ans. Border Security Force Raising Day

Ques 9. Which country has launched the “Future Soldier” modernization plan to increase its military presence in the world?
Ans. United Kingdom

Ques 10. Which country has become the world’s newest republic after the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth?
Ans. Barbados

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