Science GK Questions In English

Science GK Questions In English
Science GK Questions In English

Science GK Questions In English

Science GK Questions In English: In several competitive examinations, general knowledge is an important source of knowledge.

GK questions with answers about science and technology are great for learning new things and getting ready for competitive exams.

Science GK Questions With Answers In English

  1. Body temperature -> 37 degrees 98.4 Fahrenheit
  2. Number of bones in an adult person -> 206
  3. Bones in the skull -> 28
  4. Number of vertebrae ->33
  5. Number of ribs -> 24
  6. Bones of the paws -> 5
  7. Amount of water in the body -> 22 liters
  8. Time between two heartbeats -> 0.8 seconds
  9. Air drawn in one breath -> 500 mm
  10. Hearing capacity -> 20 to 120 decibels
  11. Total teeth -> 32
  12. Number of milk teeth -> 20
  13. Vertebrae in the neck -> 7
  14. Lifespan of red blood cells -> 120 days
  15. Lifespan of white blood cells -> 1 to 3 days
  16. Respiratory rate -> 16 times per minute
  17. Heart rate -> 72 times per minute
  18. Dental formula -> 2:1:2:3
  19. Blood pressure -> 120/80
  20. Weight of the brain -> 1370 Grams
  21. Weight of women’s brain -> 1200 grams
  22. Number of chromosomes -> 23 pairs
  23. Number of elements in the body -> 24
  24. Bones of the face -> 14
  25. Length of small intestine -> 22 feet
  26. Bones of the palm -> 14
  27. Age of wisdom teeth eruption -> 17 to 25 years
  28. PH value of blood -> 7.4
  29. Weight of heart -> 300 grams
  30. Weight of women’s heart -> 250 grams
  31. Time taken for blood circulation -> 22 seconds
  32. Number of amino acids in the body -> 20

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Tags: 500 Science General Knowledge Question Answer, Science GK questions with answers, 100 Science Quiz questions with Answers, Science gk questions in english with answers, Science GK Questions in Hindi, Science GK Questions Class 6.



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