Revolutions in India , Revolutions of India

revolution in India

Revolutions in India , Revolutions of India

In this post, we share about the revolutions in India. It is the most important topic of all student who’s preparation competitive exam.

Revolutions of India 
S.No. Revolutions Field Father of Revolutions period
1. Green Revolution Agriculture         Mr. M.S.Swaminathan 1966 – 1967
2. White Revolution or
Operation flood
Milk/Dairy products          Mr. Verghese Kurien 1970 – 1996
3. Blue Revolution Fish & Aqua Mr. Dr.Arun Krishnan 1973-2002
4. Golden Revolution Fruits, Honey,
Mr. Nirpakh Tutej 1991- 2003
5. Silver Revolution Eggs Mrs. Indira Gandhi 2000’s
6. Yellow Revolution Oil Seeds Mr. Sam Pitroda 1986 – 1990
7. Pink Revolution Pharmaceuticals,
Prawns, Onion
Mr. Durgesh Patel 1970’s
8. Brown Revolution Leather, Coco Mr. Hirlal Chaudri  
9. Red Revolution Meat, Tomato Mr. Vishal Tewari 1980’s
10. Golden Fibre
Jute   1990’s
11. Evergreen Revolution Overall Production
of Agriculture.
M.S.Swaminathan 2014 – 2022
12. Black Revolution Petroleum    
13. Silver Fiber
Cotton   2000’s
14. Round Revolution Potato   1965- 2005
15. Protein Revolution Agriculture
Coined by Mr. Narendra Modi 2014 – 2020
16. Grey Revolution Fertilizers   1960’s -1970’s

Tags: revolutions in India, green revolution in India, revolutions of India, agricultural revolutions in india.


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