List of State Abbreviation

List of State Abbreviation
List of State Abbreviation

List of State Abbreviation

List of State Abbreviation: In this blog, we Define Abbreviation List of States. It is also a general Knowledge (GK) topic.

A List Of State Abbreviations

S.No. State Name Abbreviation
1. Andhra Pradesh AP
2. Arunachal Pradesh AR
3. Assam AS
4. Bihar BR
5. Chhattisgarh CG
6. Goa GA
7. Gujarat GJ
8. Haryana HR
9. Himachal Pradesh HP
10. Jammu and Kashmir JK
11. Jharkhand JH
12. Karnataka KA
13. Kerala KL
14. Madhya Pradesh MP
15. Maharashtra MH
16. Manipur MN
17. Meghalaya ML
18. Mizoram MZ
19. Nagaland NL
20. Orissa OR
21. Punjab PB
22. Rajasthan RJ
23. Sikkim SK
24. Tamil Nadu TN
25. Tripura TR
26. Uttarakhand UK
27. Uttar Pradesh UP
28. West Bengal WB
29. Tamil Nadu TN
30. Tripura TR
31. Andaman and Nicobar Islands AN
32. Chandigarh CH
33. Dadra and Nagar Haveli DH
34. Daman and Diu DD
35. Delhi DL
36. Lakshadweep LD
37. Pondicherry PY

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Tags: list of state abbreviations excel, me state abbreviation, state code list, what state is in, state code of india, list of 29 states of india, what state is ms, py state full form.


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