Important Research Institute In India

Important Research Institute In India
Important Research Institute In India

Important Research Institute In India

Important Research Institute In India: There are many research institute in India. All the institutes are playing their important role in different departments.

List Of Important Research Institute In India

S.No. Institute Location
1. Textile Research Institute Ahmedabad
2. National Institution of Occupation Health Ahmedabad
3. National Tuberculosis Institute Bengaluru
4. Raman Research Centre Bengaluru
5. National Aeronautical Laboratory Bengaluru
6. Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute Bhavnagar
7. PGI Medical Education and Research Chandigarh
8. Central Scientific Instruments Organization Chandigarh
9. Central Leather Research Institute Chennai
10. Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute Chengalpattu
11. Central Sugarcane Research Institute Coimbatore
12. Central Rice Research Institute Cuttack
13. Indian Institute of Petroleum Dehradun
14. Central Forest Research Institute Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
15. Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute Delhi
16. National Institute of Communicable Diseases Delhi
17. Central Fuel Research Institute Dhanbad
18. Central Mining Research Institute Dhanbad
19. Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Durgapur
20. King Institute of Preventive Medicine Guindy (Chennai)
21. High Altitude Research Laboratory Gulmarg
22. Cattle breeding Institute Hisar (Haryana)
23. Center for Molecular and Cellular Biology Hyderabad
24. National Geophysics Research Institute Hyderabad
25. National Institute of Nutrition Hyderabad
26. National Geophysics Research Institute Hyderabad
27. National Sugar Research Institute Kanpur
28. National Sugar Research Institute Kanpur
29. Central Electro-Chemical Research Institute Karaikudi
30. National Dairy Research Institute Karnal (Haryana)
31. Central Coconut Research Institute Kerala
32. Indian Institute of Chemical Biology Kolkata
33. Central Jute Technological Research Institute Kolkata
34. Archaeological Survey of India Kolkata
35. School of Tropical Medicine Kolkata
36. All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health Kolkata
37. Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute Kolkata
38. National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow
39. Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow
40. Industrial Toxicology Research Institute Lucknow
41. Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow
42. Haffkine Institute Mumbai
43. Indian Cancer Research Institute Mumbai
44. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai
45. Central Food Technological Research Institute Mysore (Karnataka)

Research Institute In India

46. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute Nagpur
47. Central Road Research Institute New Delhi
48. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi
49. All India Malaria Research Institute New Delhi
50. Indian Agricultural Research Institute New Delhi
51. National Institute of Oceanography Panaji
52. Central Institute of Virology Pune (Maharashtra)
53. Indian Meteorological Observatory Pune and Delhi
54. Indian Lac Research Institute Ranchi (Jharkhand)
55. Central Building Research Institute Roorkee
56. Central Potato Research Institute Shimla

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Tags: top 10 research institutes in India, important research institutes in India pdf, list of national research Centre in India, best research institutes in India after 12th, top research institutes in India, research institutes in India UPSC, research institutes in India for biology, research institutes in India for biology after 12th.


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