Space Centres in India list

space centres
space centres in India

Space Centres in India list

In this post, we share about Space centre in India. This is very good and important topic for all student . space center in India , Some exam asking question related this topic.

S.No. Location Name of space centre
1. New Delhi 1. DOS branch secretariate
2. ISRO branch office
3. Delhi earth station
2. Lucknow ISTRAC ground station
3. Dehradun 1. Indian Institue of remote sensing
2. Northern RRSC-Regional Remote Sensing Centre
4. Kharagpur Eastern RRSC-Regional Remote Sensing Centre
5. Shillong North eastern space application centre
6. Tirupati NMRF-National Atmospheric Research Laboratory
7. Hyderbad NRSA or NRSC – national remote sensing agency/centre
8. Port Blair Down range station
9. Sriharikota Satish Dhawan Space Centre
10. Mahendra Giri Liquid Propulsion Test Facilities
11. Thiruvananthapuram 1. Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
2. Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre
3. ISRO Interial Systems Unit
12. Kerala ALUVA – Ammonium perchlorate experiment
13. Banglore 1. Space commission
3. INSAT programme office
4. NNRMS secretriate- National Natural Resources
Management System
5. ISRO satellite centre
6. ANTRIX corporation
14. Hassan INSAT master control facility
15. Mumbai ISRO Liasion office
16. Nagapur Central RRSC-Regional Remote Sensing Centre
17. Ahmedabad 1. Space Application Centre
2. Physcial Research Laboratory
3. Development & educational communication unit
18. Mount Abu Infrared Observatory
19. Udaipur Solar Obesrvatory
20. Jodhpur Western RRSC-Regional Remote Sensing Centre
21 Balasore Remote Sensing Centre

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