25 August 2021 Current Affairs

25 August 2021 Current Affairs
Current Affairs

Current Affairs

25 August 2021 Current Affairs: In this post, we share daily updated Current Affairs. This topic is the most important part of all competitive exams. All these posts are very important for all the candidates who are preparing for the competitive exam.

Current Affairs 25 August 2021 

Ques 1. Where will the first theater be open which will be at an altitude of 11562 feet above sea level?
Ans. Ladakh

Ques 2. Which state government has been started the third phase of Mission Shakti?
Ans. Uttar Pradesh

Ques 3. Former India footballer and member of the last national team to play in Rome Olympics in which year Syed Shahid Hakim has Departed away?
Ans. 1960

Ques 4. The Malabar naval exercise will be held on 26 August between the US, Australia, India, and which country’s naval services?
Ans. Japan

Ques 5. According to the data releasing by which ministry, the area under Kharif crops has decreased in this monsoon season?
Ans. Ministry of Agriculture

Ques 6. Which Indian female player created history by winning the silver medal in the long jump at the Under-20 World Athletics Championships?
Ans. Shaily Singh

Ques 7. In which city India’s first smog tower has been announcing to be inaugurated?
Ans. Delhi

Ques 8. Which car manufacturer of India has been fined Rs. Two Hundred crore by the Competition Commission?
Ans. Maruti Suzuki

Ques 9. Konkan Exercise 2021 has been conducted in the English Channel between INS Tabar and which warship?
Ans. HMS Westminster

Ques 10. USAID, DFC, and which bank signed a $50 million agreement for women and micro, small and medium enterprises in India?
Ans. Kotak Mahindra Bank

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