01 April 2023 Current Affairs

01 April 2023 Current Affairs
01 April 2023 Current Affairs

Current Affairs

01 April 2023 Current Affairs: we share daily updated Current Affairs. This topic is an essential part of all competitive exams. Read this post carefully. Most questions Are related to this Topic in Exams.

Current Affairs 01 April 2023

Ques 1. Which country’s Prime Minister has announced the suspension of judicial reforms following nationwide protests?
Ans. Israel

Ques 2. Who has developed a pocket-friendly device to detect adulteration in milk?
Ans. IIT Madras

Ques 3. Under which project did the Ministry of Defense tie up with Bharat Electronics Limited?
Ans. Project Akashteer

Ques 4. On which day the Lok Sabha passed the Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2022 for stricter compliance?
Ans. March 29, 2023

Ques 5. When is the International Transgender Day of Visibility observed every year?
Ans. On 31 March

Ques 6. Who is launching the Vedic Heritage Portal in New Delhi?
Ans. Amit Shah

Ques 7. Which figure has been crossed by Indian exports recently?
Ans. US $ 750 billion

Ques 8. In which city the first meeting of the G20 Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group (DRR WG) will begin on 30 March 2023?
Ans. North Gandhinagar

Ques 9. Who has been elected as the new Vice President of the International Boxing Association in the month of March 2023?
Ans. Ajay Singh

Ques 10. To whom has the University of Texas conferred the “Life Time Achievement” award?
Ans. Naveen Jindal

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Tags: Daily Current Affairs, current affairs questions, current affairs latest, current affairs gk question, current affairs weekly, current affairs 2020 in Hindi pdf, current affairs recent, Current Affairs.


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