Rivers Of India And Their Tributaries

Rivers Of India And Their Tributaries
Rivers Of India And Their Tributaries

Rivers Of India And Their Tributaries

The Indian rivers and their tributaries will be discussed in this article. For competitive exams, the rivers and their tributaries in India are an important GK topic. The Indian river system is important topic for UPSC Exam.

List Of River And Their Tributaries

S.No. Rivers Name Tributaries River
1. Ganga Gomti, Ghaghra, Gandak, Kosi, Yamuna, Son, Ramganga
2. Krishna Tungabhadra, Ghataprabha, Malaprabha, Bhima, Vedavathi, Koyna
3. Sindhu Sutlej, Dras, Zanskar, Shyok ,.Gilgit, Suru
4. Damodar Barakar, Konar
5. Chambal Banas, Kali Sindh, Shipra, Parbati, Mej
6. Brahmaputra Dibang, Lohit, Jia Bhoreli (Kameng), Dikhau, Subansiri Manas
7. Mahanadi Sivanath, Hasdeo, Leech, Mand, Ib, Ong, Oil
8. Godavari Indravati, Manjira, Bindusar, Sarbari, Penganga, Pranahita
9. Kaveri Kabini, Hemavati, Simsha, Arkavati, Bhavani
10. Narmada Amravati, Bhukhi, Tawa, Banger
11. Ravi Budhil, Nai or Dhona, Siul, Ujh
12. Yamuna Chambal, Sindh, Betwa, Ken, Tons, Hindon


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Tags: River and their tributaries pdf, River and their tributaries in india, List of river and their tributaries, Rivers and their tributaries UPSC.


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