Ramsar Sites In India; Get Daily Updates

Ramsar Sites In India
Ramsar Sites

Ramsar Sites In India

In this post, we sharing about Ramsar Sites In India. It is an important topic for government jobs. Who’s a student preparing for a government job read this post.

What is known as a Ramsar site?

Any wetland site which is recorded under the Ramsar Convention that plans to save it and advance practical use of its normal assets are known as a Ramsar Site.

On 2 February 1971, the International Treaty for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wetlands was endorsed at a city of Iran called Ramsar, henceforth the name Ramsar Sites.

Ramsar sites in india upsc

S.No. Ramsar sites in India  Location
1. Asthamudi Wetland Kerala
2. Asan Conservation Reserve Uttarakhand
3. Bhitarkanika Mangroves Orissa
4. Beas Conservation Reserve Punjab
5. Bhoj Wetlands Madhya Pradesh
6. Chilka Lake Orissa
7. Chandertal Wetland Himachal Pradesh
8. Deepor Beel Assam
9. East Kolkata Wetlands West Bengal
10. Hokera Wetland Jammu and Kashmir
11. Harike Lake Punjab
12. Kabartal Wetland Bihar
13. Keoladeo Ghana NP Rajasthan
14. Kanjli Lake Punjab
15. Keshopur-Miani Community Reserve Punjab
16. Kolleru Lake Andhra Pradesh
17. Lonar Lake Maharashtra
18. Loktak Lake Manipur
19. Nandur Madhameshwar Maharashtra
20. Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary Gujarat
21. Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary Uttar Pradesh
22. Nangal Wildlife Sanctuary Punjab
23. Parvati Agra Bird Sanctuary Uttar Pradesh
24. Pong Dam Lake Himachal Pradesh
25. Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
26. Renuka Wetland Himachal Pradesh
27. Rudrasagar Lake Tripura
28. Ropar Lake Punjab
29. Saman Bird Sanctuary Uttar Pradesh
30. Sandi Bird Sanctuary Uttar Pradesh
31. Sambhar Lake Rajasthan
32. Samaspur Bird Sanctuary Uttar Pradesh
33. Sarsai Nawar Jheel Uttar Pradesh
34. Sunderbans Wetland West Bengal
35. Sasthamkotta Lake Kerala
36. Sur Sarovar Uttar Pradesh
37. Surinsar-Mansar Lakes Jammu and Kashmir
38. Tso Kar Wetland Complex Ladakh
39. Tsomoriri Lake Jammu and Kashmir
40. Upper Ganga River Uttar Pradesh
41. Vembanad Kol Wetland Kerala
42. Wular Lake Jammu & Kashmir


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