lok sabha speaker list; GK Updates

lok sabha speaker list
list of lok sabha speaker

lok sabha speaker list

lok sabha speaker list : In this post We share about lok sabha speaker name. It is an Important topic for all competitive exam . Om Birla is the 17th Lok Sabha speaker And Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar was the first Lok speaker.

speaker of lok sabha list


S.No.  Name From Date  To  Date
1. Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar Ahmedabad 15 May 1952 27 February 1956
2. M. A. Ayyangar Chittoor 8 March 1956 10 May 1957
3. M. A. Ayyangar Chittoor 11 May 1957 16 April 1962
4. Hukam Singh Patiala 17 April 1962 16 March 1967
5. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy Hindupur 17 March 1967 19 July 1969
6. Gurdial Singh Dhillon Tarn Taran 8 August 1969 19 March 1971
7. Gurdial Singh Dhillon Tarn Taran 22 March 1971 1 December 1975
8. Bali Ram Bhagat Arrah 15 January 1976 25 March 1977
9. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy Nandyal 26 March 1977 13 July 1977
10. K. S. Hegde Bangalore South 21 July 1977 21 January 1980
11. Balram Jakhar Ferozepur 22 January 1980 27 October 1984
12. Balram Jakhar Sikar 16 January 1985 18 December 1989
13. Rabi Ray Kendrapara 19 December 1989 9 July 1991
14. Shivraj Patil Latur 10 July 1991 22 May 1996
15. P. A. Sangma Tura 23 May 1996 23 March 1998
16. G. M. C. Balayogi Amalapuram 24 March 1998 19 October 1999
17. G. M. C. Balayogi Amalapuram 22 October 1999 3 March 2002
18. Manohar Joshi Mumbai North Central 10 May 2002 2 June 2004
19. Somnath Chatterjee Bolpur 4 June 2004 31 May 2009
20. Meira Kumar Sasaram 4 June 2009 4 June 2014
21. Sumitra Mahajan Indore 6 June 2014 16 June 2019
22. Om Birla Kota 19 June 2019 Incubment


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