List Of Neighboring Countries Of India

List Of Neighboring Countries Of India
List Of Neighboring Countries Of India

List Of Neighboring Countries Of India

List Of Neighboring Countries Of India: India borders nine other nations. Adjoining Nations of India are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. India is the world’s seventh-largest country and second-most populous nation, after China.

Neighboring Countries Of India


  1. Capital of Afghanistan: Kabul
  2. Currency of Afghanistan: Afghani
  3. Parliament of Afghanistan: Shora
  4. Language of Afghanistan: Pashto, Dari


  1. Capital of Bangladesh: Dhaka
  2. Currency of Bangladesh: Taka
  3. Parliament of Bangladesh: Jatiya Sansad
  4. Language of Bangladesh: Bengali


  1. Capital of Bhutan: Thimpu
  2. Currency of Bhutan: Gultrum
  3. Parliament of Bhutan: Parliament
  4. Language of Bhutan: Dzongkha


  1. Capital of China: Beijing (Peking)
  2. Currency of China: Yuan
  3. Parliament of China: National People’s Congress
  4. Language of China: Chinese


  1. Capital of Myanmar: Naypyidaw
  2. Currency of Myanmar: Kyat
  3. Parliament of Myanmar: Pyiuthi Htaw/Huttaw
  4. Language of Myanmar: Burmese


  1. Capital of Maldives: Male
  2. Currency of Maldives: Maldivian Rupee
  3. Parliament of Maldives: Majlis
  4. Language of Maldives: Dihevi


  1. Capital of Nepal: Kathmandu
  2. Currency of Nepal: Nepali Rupee
  3. Parliament of Nepal: National Panchayat
  4. Language of Nepal: Nepali


  1. Capital of Pakistan: Islamabad
  2. Currency of Pakistan: Pakistani Rupee
  3. Parliament of Pakistan: National Assembly
  4. Language of Pakistan: Urdu

Sri Lanka

  1. Capital of Sri Lanka: Colombo
  2. Parliament of Sri Lanka: Parliament
  3. Language of Sri Lanka: Sinhalese, Tamil

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Tags: Neighbouring countries, Neighbouring countries of India and their capitals, 9 neighbouring countries of India, How many neighbouring countries of India, Neighbouring countries of India on map, 9 neighbouring countries of India and their capitals, Neighbouring states of India, Neighbouring countries of India with direction.



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