Ayushman Bharat Yojana Rajasthan
In this post, we share the Ayushman Bharat yojana list. It is a very most important topic for all competitive exams & used in personal life. it is a health policy to give by the government.
Ayushman Bharat Yojana is a national health protection strategy that is a central supporter scheme launched in 2018. in Uttarakhand, this health strategy was officially established on 25 December 2018. Ayushman Bharat yojana had been established by subsuming several strategies running by the previous government like Rashtriya Swasthya bima yojana senior citizen health insurance strategy, central government health strategy.
In Ayushman Bharat yojana scheme provided many health services under this policy.
1. child health |
2. dental care |
3. pregnancy care |
4. chronic communicable diseases |
5. management of mental illness |
6. Geriatric care emergency medicine. |
For the foundation of one Indian health system Ayushman Bharat yojana strategy was launched and achieved much success since launched. under this health strategy, 170 Million was allocated for the 150000 health and wellness centers.
as per the official report, more than 100000 people benefit from these schemes. both hospitals provided Ayushman Bharat yojana scheme in Government & private.
Tags: Ayushman Bharat registration, Ayushman Bharat yojana eligibility, Ayushman Bharat yojana list, Ayushman card download, Ayushman Bharat website, Ayushman Bharat states list, Ayushman Bharat list 2020, Ayushman Bharat login.