3rd may current affairs

3rd may current affairs
3rd may current affairs

Current Affairs

3rd May current affairs: we have provided current affairs questions and some topic daily. This questions and topic is essential part of all competitive exams.

Q1 Where has India’s first National Centre of Excellence in ‘Green Ports and Shipping’ been set up?                                                                                                                         Ans Ahmadabad

Q2 Who has won the ‘Asian Billiards’-2023 title?                                                                 Ans Pankaj Advani

Q3 Who has launched the ‘AIS for Taxpayer’ app?                                                               Ans Income tax

Q4 Where was the 2nd Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) for Prosperity held?             Ans Indonesia

Q5 Where was the 2nd Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) for Prosperity held?         Ans Misr

Q6 What is the sex ratio at birth in the year 2018-20 in the 24th ‘Women and Men in India 2022’ issue released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation?                                                                                                                                              Ans 910


Q7 Who are India’s most valuable celebrities in the ‘Celebrity Brand Evaluation Report-2022’?                                                                                                                           Ans Ranveer Singh

Q8 Where has the foundation stone of data center and cyber security training institute been laid by RBI?                                                                                                                 Ans Bhubaneswar

Q9 World Tuberculosis Day for the year 2023 has been observed with which theme?              Ans Yes, we can end TB.

Q10 Where has the International Telecommunication Union’s new regional office and innovation center in South Asia been inaugurated?                                                              Ans New Delhi

Q11 Which is the second state in the country to pass the ‘Media Personnel Protection Bill-2023’?                                                                                                                         Ans Chhattisgarh

Q12 Which state has unveiled the State Youth Policy and Youth Portal?                           Ans Madhya pardesh

Q13 Where has the ‘Gajmitra’ initiative been launched to prevent human-elephant conflict?   Ans west Bengal

Q14 Who has been granted ‘BIS License’ to make India’s first fire resistant steel?               Ans Jindal steel

Q15 Where has Asia’s largest 4-metre ‘International Liquid Mirror Telescope’ been inaugurated?                                                                                                               Ans Uttarakhand

Q16 Who has released the ‘AR6 Synthesis Report’ on climate change?                           Ans IPCC

Q17 When is ‘Martyrs’ Day’ observed annually to pay tribute to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev?                                                                                                                   Ans 23 March

Q18 Which airport in India has been awarded the highest score of ‘4+’ by the International Airports Council under the ‘Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme’?                               Ans Mumbai, New Delhi

Q19 The ITU WSIS-2023 award has been awarded to which Indian initiative?                       Ans Audit online application

Q20 Which Indian industrialist has been appointed to the ‘Order of Australia’ for distinguished service?                                                                                                   Ans Ratan tata

Q21 When is World Sparrow Day-2023 observed?                                                               Ans 20 march

Q22 Who has been elected as the Vice President of Nepal?                                             Ans Ram Sahaya Yadav

International Dance Day

International Dance Day is celebrated every year on April 29.The purpose of the 41st International Dance Day is to highlight the importance of dance among the masses and to give dance a proper place in all systems of education all over the world.

The day was started by the International Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute of UNESCO on April 29, 1982, on the birthday of the great dancer Jean-Georges Navarre.

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