KTET Previous Question Papers Category 3 Natural Science

KTET Previous Question Papers Category 3 Natural Science
KTET Previous Question Papers Category 3 Natural Science

KTET Previous Question Papers

KTET Previous Question Papers Category Three Natural Science: Aspiring teachers can use the KTET Category 3 Natural Science paper to demonstrate their scientific knowledge and teaching skills.

Previous Question Papers Category 3 Natural Science

Ques 1. Which one of the following is not related to homologous organs?
(A) Doing similar functions
(B) Similar in anatomy
(C) Inherited from a common ancestor
(D) Similar developmental pattern

Ques 2. In C2, plants, CO2, fixation initially results in the formation of:
(A) Malic acid
(8) OAA

Ques 3. One of the following characters can be represented by floral formula but not by floral diagram.
(A) Position of gynoecium
(B) Aestivation
(C) Placentation
(D) Fusion of stamens

Ques 4. GEAC stands for:
(A) Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
(B) Genome Engineering Action Committee
(C) Genetic and Engineering Approval Council
(D) Global Environmental Action Council

Ques 5. Father of biodiversity is:
(A) Edward O. Wilson
(B) Ernst Haeckel-
(C) Karl Ereky
(D) Charles Elton

Ques 6. Southern hybridization technique is used for the analysis of chromosomal DNA. One among the following is NOT involved in this technique. It is
(A) Autoradiography
(B) Electrophoresis
(C) PCR-
(D) Blotting

Ques 7. Which one of the following is not a variety of cattle?
(A) Gir
(B) Sahiwal
(C) Vechoor
(D) Ancona

Ques 8. Tumors arising from cells in connective tissue, bone or muscle are called:
(A) Sarcoma
(B) Carcinoma
(C) Lymphoma
(D) Myeloma

Ques 9. The region in which the DNA is wrapped around a cluster of histone proteins is called:
(A) Nucleosome 
(B) Mesosome
(C) Desmosome
(D) Centrosome

Ques 10. When there is no consumption of oxygen in respiration, the respiratory quotient will be?
(A) 0.9
(B) 1
(C) 3 
(D) infinity

KTET Previous Question Papers

Ques 11. Human Y chromosome is
(A) Telocentric
(B) Metacentric
(C) Submetacentric
(D) Acrocentric 

Ques 12. A hyperglycemic hormone is :
(A) Thymosin
(B) Insulin
(C) Glucagon 
(D) Vasopressin

Ques 13. An example of loose connective tissue is:
(A) Cartilage
(B) Adipose tissue 
(C) Tendon
(D) Blood

Ques 14. Natality, a characteristic of population refers to:
(A) The increase in number of individuals in a population during a given period. 
(B) Total number of individuals present per unit area at a given time.
(C) The number of individuals that have come into the habitat during a given period.
(D) The maximum number of individuals of a population that can be sustained indefinitely in a given habitat.

Ques 15. 70S ribosomes are seen in:
(A) Bacteria, Centriole, Chloroplast
(B) Chloroplast, Centriole, Mitochondria
(C) Centriole, Mitochondria, Bacteria
(D) Bacteria, Mitochondria, Chloropla

Ques 16. Double fertilisation, a unique feature angiosperms was first observed by:
(A) Camerarius
(B) Hofmeister
(C) S.G. Nawaschin
(D) Strasburger

Ques 17. The largest salivary gland is:
(A) Sublingual
(B) Sub-maxillary
(C) Parotid 
(D) Submandibular

Ques 18. Programmed cell death is called:
(A) Plasmolysis
(B) Necrosis
(C) Apoptosis
(D) Punalvicie

Ques 19. One of the following is a carotenoid derivative. Which is that?
(C) GA

Ques 20. Dachigam National Park is in:
(A) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Uttarakhand
(C) Kashmir
(D) Rajasthan

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Tags: Ktet previous question papers category 3 natural science with answers, Ktet previous question papers category 3 natural science pdf download, Ktet previous question papers category 3 natural science pdf, KTET Category 3 Natural Science Question Paper with answers, KTET Category 3 Natural Science questions and answers PDF, Ktet previous question papers category 3 natural science 2021, KTET Category 3 Question Paper with answers PDF download, KTET Category 3 Hindi Question Paper with answers.


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